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What is an Essential Oil Synergy?

What is an Essential Oil Synergy?

Essential oils are increasingly recognized for their therapeutic benefits and aromatic properties.

These pure plant essences have multiple molecules helping the body to strengthen, heal, relax.

An essential oil can thus act against stress, sleep disorders, or even strengthen your immune defences, help you heal...

Alone, they are already wonderful, so imagine what they can do when combined!

How does a synergy of essential oils work?

An essential oil synergy is a combination of two or more essential oils that work together to produce a so-called "synergistic" effect.

This means that the combined essential oils have a more powerful effect and a broader spectrum of action than if they were used alone.

Essential oils are composed of volatile aromatic molecules that have unique therapeutic properties .

The objective is thus to identify the desired benefits, to carefully select the appropriate oils according to their therapeutic properties and to assemble them so that they complement and reinforce each other .

Why use a synergy of essential oils?

In order to benefit from a more intense therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use synergies.

For example, if you suffer from sleep disturbances, the isolated use of true lavender will certainly allow you to soothe your body and your mind.

But by combining it with other plant essences having the same virtues, you can find absolute and lasting peace of mind much more quickly and more effectively.

It is in this quest for efficiency that we have composed each of our essential oil synergies:

  • The "Sleep & Stress" synergy is a concentrate of the best edible organic essential oils with calming, relaxing, soothing and sedative properties.

  • The "Pain Relief" synergy is made up of the best edible organic essential oils with analgesic, analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Finally, the "Sport & Energy" synergy combines the best essential oils with stimulating, hyperemic and healing properties.

Why did you create a two-component synergy?

In order to create the most optimal synergy possible, we have added to our composition virgin coconut oils containing 30% CBD and rapeseed for its omega intake.

These two oils work in perfect harmony with our selection of organic essential oils, considerably increasing the targeted therapeutic benefits .

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